
Happy boxing day

Date: Monday, December 27, 2010

Hope all of you have a lovely Christmas. My Christmas this year is so different from last year, no need to go church, as no event in church. I thought i will have lonely christmas, but indeed i had a very fun christmas eve.. had steamboat near my house to celebrate birthday,went to east coast for a drink..

Christmas day spent with my family~~

Boxing day went to watch tron Leagcy.. suppose to have more people to go, end up all put aeroplane.. then become only me and him..

not much people watching though..

after movie we walked from marina square to suntec to esplande, standing beside the singapore river, to talk and enjoy the sea breeze, felt so relaxing.. =)

had late dinner at thai express.. end up we went home at around 10.30pm.. thanks for accompany me to go home although it was so far for you to go one big round.

Thank you..


Happy Wednesday~~

Date: Thursday, November 04, 2010

4/11/2010 Happy Wednesday.. don't know why that day my colleagues keep asking me where am I going. hmm, do I look very different? haha.. maybe i was too excited and happy..

I must wrote this sweet memories down.

Pardon me I can't post the photos as for now. anyway maybe nobody will read this.. haha..

Let's me recall it....

One week ago was your birthday, the next day after your actual birthday, we went out as a group..

we didn't really talked much on that night.. too shy..

suddenly i have an urge to sms you to ask when will you be free..

surprisingly, you didn't reject me, you said actually do not need to celebrate but I don't care just want to treat you. haha..

end up we meet up on wednesday.. I ask u to choose the venue, but u said it was me to choose.

in the end ask you to choose between Japanese or western. so final decision was Japanese.

first time i felt so difficult to choose where to eat, I scare you don't like what I had chosen.

you said it was awkward so we ended up I went from office and you went from your client's place.

at first i want to go waraku @ marina square, cos can make reservation, then i decided to change to city hall sushi tei.

Oh but the quenue is too long, have to wait for half and hour. then i said let's change to sakae sushi @ city link.

we didn't order alot, maybe because you were too full!! or you don't want me to spend too much? haha..

before that I bought two boxes of chocolate for you as your birthday present, hope you like it.

we did talked alot.. hee.. like finally. cos only the two of us..

at first you want to treat me, cos you said i had already gave you present. but i kept saying cannot cos I'm the one who said i will treat you..

then at first i thought of walking around at city link, but you said you just walked and nothing much to shop, you also said is too far for me since my car was parked at raffles shopping centre.

so thoughtful of you.. =) but actually nothing much to shop at raffles shopping centre.

then i said i need to go washroom, you waited for me but one funny thing, when i walking toward you, you also walking toward me. haha..

we walked around @ city chain.. then you asked me wanna go home or still continue walking. then i decided to go home since i was tired and it was already 9pm..

I wanna fetch you home but u don't allow me said that is very conveneience for you to take train home..

One little sweet thing you did, none of the guy did that to me before.. haha.. you accompany me to go to car park to make sure i was safe. wow you really a gentleman. hee.. so sweet of you..

finally i took a photo with you.. and don't know is it am I too excited. i forgot where I park my car. haha.. in the end i manage to find it..

Thanks for the little things you did.. So sweet of you.. next one movie date? waiting..


Meet up with Sherry


Finally meet up with my dear Sherry~~ waited for her almost one hour. but is ok, as long as i Can meet up with her.. Thanks for the macaron..

we had thai food at Ion.. not bad.. maybe because i was too hungry, lucky we share the food cos portion quite big.

we catch up on our works, etc. heard a bad news from her,hope she is better now.

Happy tuesday~~


High tea with my girl friends

Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010

Finally got to meet up with my girl friends.. meet up with them for a high tea.

Don't know what is that called. But is very nice..

I love the effect..

Took neoprint at Cine. WOW, such a long time never take neoprint la..





This week had 2 colleagues left the company.. so we had a farewell party on friday.. almost half of the company was there. amazing. First time went home so late.. Oppsss..

The blissful man had 4 beautiful wives. haha.. I'm the number 3. haha.. err, there were 2 servants behind while we were taking out family portrait. lol.

finally a proper one..

our war mates..

a happy friday~~ I'm glad to know them.. haha..


Hk trip Sept 2010

Date: Saturday, October 09, 2010

haven update my blog for the past 1 month, have been busy moving office, went back to Hk for my holiday..

suppose to be a happy occassion to celebrate my grandma's birthday ( father side) but the next day another grandma ( mummy's mum) passed away.

Totally I can't accept the fact, i thought it was just a dream... One day In heaven, the next day like in Hell!!

the unhappy sept was finally over but the Oct doesn't means a happy one too..

very cute birthday cake..

I love you mama..

my beloved yeye and mama..

finally got to meet up with my lovely Sharon. Thanks for the treat again!!

went to discovery bay one day. Hot and sunny~~

and not to forget my lovely hk friends.. Thanks for the support during my difficult times, sorry to keep changing the plan.. regreted cannot go cycling with your, I promise the next time when I'm here again sure have a full day with your..



Date: Saturday, August 07, 2010

I haven update for my blog for ages.. been busy doing month end closing, prepare to move office. Now everything has been settled. Super tired for the past few weeks.

Especially for this week, has been OT everyday to get all the things pack into boxes. I didn't get enough sleep, not even have a proper meal.. taking all the junk food. =(

So many things have to be done. Bad news one after another one. I will be collepseing soon. pray for me..

The $10 Spinelli voucher, to other people it may be just a voucher, nothing special. But to me is a very special voucher, Thanks to the special one who gave it to me. Although sometime you may be very "cool" to me, but these few days we seem to break the barrier. Thank you.

During the moving of office, i found that my colleagues are very united. We help eachother, so that we can get our things done as soon as possible. A big thanks to my engineers, they are really good. Yesterday, I was station at the old office, in the afternoon then we went back to new office. And my table was full of 10 cartons. I don't even know where to start to unpack. Once my engineers have completed their stuffs, 4 of the engineers asked me whether got anything to help. At first i say is ok, i can unpack myself and they should help the colleague whom she need more help than me.

Anyway, thanks for all the help. espcially help me carry all the heavy stuffs, climb up and down. Thank you so much.

To the special one, thanks for always making my laugh when i felt sad or emo. Your little joke really make my day. Thank you.

I love this song~~給自己的信

很相信能成就大愛 很相信能炫耀自己很貪心 

寫封信來留住大志 寫封信來提示自己寫得低 
懷疑我當天幾多歲 令我寫了一句不怕流淚

懷疑我永遠不會累 就來十行列明十個壯舉
讓我闖出新世界 交出真個性假使想愛 必會找到親愛伴侶

突然十年便過去 方知歲月冷漠似~水
就算筆跡不會變 紙張不會皺偏偏想笑 竟會得到灰暗情緒
一句一句太乾脆 一個一個已粉碎

祝福我能遊歷萬國 怎麼我還奴役自己
不甘心 在天天很多錯失的證據
這封信如明亮大鏡 這封信能明白自己
寫得低 但怎麼拋低理想的散去
懷疑我當天幾多歲 令我寫了一句不怕流淚

懷疑我永遠不會累 就來十行列明十個壯舉

讓我闖出新世界 交出真個性假使想愛 必會找到親愛伴侶
突然十年便過去 方知歲月冷漠似~水
就算筆跡不會變 紙張不會皺偏偏想笑 竟會得到灰暗情緒
默然從頭讀過去 一句一句太乾脆

讓我闖出新世界 交出真個性假使想愛 必會找到親愛伴侶
突然十年便過去 方知歲月冷漠似~水
就算紙張不會皺 甚麼都生鏽偏偏想笑 只會得到灰暗情緒默然從頭讀過去
一句一句太乾脆 一個一個已粉碎
很相信能成就大愛 很相信能炫耀自己很貪心 願天天很多美好的派對

Good night and have a great weekend~~ Yeah!! long weekend.


Kichi Kichi

Date: Friday, July 16, 2010

My Once a week update. Here it goes.. Meet valen and Alexis on Wed for dinner, finally after soo long..

Thursday~~ Our once a month outing with my lovely colleagues. This time we had a new colleague-eileen to join us..

Taken on the 23rd floor at my office. The Pinnacle@ Duxton was just behind me. Good weather.
Me with my messy table

Loads of Blue files..
Today dinner at Kichi Kichi @ Taka 5th Floor.
We are always have Conveyor belt with sushi, this time round we had steamboat with Conveyor belt. You can choose to have your own Hot pot or have a share hot pot. Since we had 6 of us, it was good to have a share hot pot. Out of the six soup base, mushroom, chicken, prawn, herbal, tom yam, sichuan, we choosed 4. The mushroom siup base is the best!!

Food on the conveyor belt.. I will pity the one who wash all these plates.. so many plates to wash. haha. actually eash plate has very litty quantities of food which is good, so that we won't waste the un-eaten food, just take whatever you want.

Countless of plates..

Twin sister, beatrice and me.. The white girls for today. =)

New colleague~ Eileen, Selena and June


The group photo~~
Hmm.. Overall the food is quite fresh, each person around $24 quite afforable. Do try it..
That's all for now. enjoy your weekend.


Jolene & Min Hui's birthday

Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010

Last sat went for Jolene & Min Hui's birthday party. After so long, finally i can meet up with my lovely friends.

My bestie~ Fiona

Lovely friends..

The birthday girl Jolene

The group photo..

Happy birthday~~
